How to Bolt Down a Gun Safe? Gunsafeandmore

A gun safe is not only for storing guns, but it can also be wise to store the most valuable assets to protect from damage whether it is a burglar, fire, or water. An ideal gun safe is that type of secured place in which your valuables are more secure than any other of your alternatives. But the thing is important for your guns, other valuables, and the safe you use as potential support against incidents unwanted. So, the consideration is to be adamant to settle it in the right place in the right installation. How to bolt down a gun safe is now a crucial issue with a view to helping you with an accurate suggestion so that it comes usable and cost-effective. This article will walk you through the steps of the way by steps. Till then, be sticking and keep reading the last words I finish.

There are several steps to have a gun safe installed, which you can think about it, one of the gun safes for the money in place according to your mindful satisfaction. But I, somewhat taking the most important steps to detail that evades your reading boringness. Follow me in the points below:

Bolt Down a Gun Safe Process Step by Step

01. Select a Beautiful Place to Mount a Safe

The first and major decision it tells you where to set up your gun safes. It also demands a place that is not reachable to whoever it wants anytime. The safe should be safe from public viewing for the sake of enhancing security for your safe and safe-in-items. But you will be able to reach it easily. Select it first.

02. Inspect Your Safe Mounting Hole-Position Inside

Every gun safe keeps a mounting hole in a convenient position. Some are in the middle; some are in the very corner of the safe. Target the hole position first in the safe, and then mark the position with a marker pen that exactly coincides with the point between the safe hole and your floor position.   

03. Measuring Position to Drill into the Floor

Your measurement has come to an end, and remove your safe from the place it was during taking a measurement. If it is flooring by carpet cut a circle on it where to sit the mounting bolt to fix it up. Remember, it looks odd if the hole is cut larger than that it exactly measures.

04. Start Drilling

DrillingYour well-measured position needs drilling to bold down a safe on the floor. Use the right drilling machine that penetrates the floor without a damaging bit that spearheads the floor. It should be a rugged finished hole as a whole.

05. Clean the Hole that Eats Dust During Drilling

Use a wet cloth or blowing machine to get the floor-hole dust out to have a better installation of your safe bolt into the floor. It’s easy so far.

06. Measure the Accuracy of Floor-hole and Mount Hole

Again put your safe in the position you have made a hole as an adjustment or pair-matching. If not, fix it again correctly.

07. Putting the Bolt Together

You have seen both holes match each other, and now tie together to attract each other. First, place your bolt into the hole, it may need hammering several times, and put the safe hole matching it, so that you can tie a nut from the upper part of the safe inside.

08. Tightening a Nut

Tightening a NutAll are done at a glance, and now to tighten the nut to fix it finally. So, pliers are perfect to tighten it in accordance to it requirements to permanently set it up. All are here and done.


After spending a laborious time on the gun safe reviews, at last, you have got it fit for you. Now, the step is for proper installation. Because it needs you to install it on the safe side at your living home. A well-setting gun safe is more secure that prevents unnecessary movement by anyone. The mentioned methods are the right answer to how to bolt down a gun safe and as I know, you will have the right place to settle your gun safe. As per the instructions given in this article, you do not need to be an expert in driving drill machines, but easily you can do it if a bit of seriousness remains in you. So, go ahead. Success is a must for you.

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